Recurrent Care Resource Pack: References

Published: 22/05/2019

References from the 'Working with recurrent care-experienced birth mothers resource pack'.

Bellew R and Peeran U (2017) After Adoption’s Breaking the Cycle programme: An evaluation of the two year pilot, September 2014 to August 2016. London: Coram.

Broadhurst, K. and Mason, C. (2013) ‘Maternal outcasts: Raising the profile of women who are vulnerable to successive, compulsory removals of their children—a plea for pre- ventative action’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35(3), pp. 291 – 304.

Broadhurst K and Mason C (2014a) ‘Recurrent care proceedings: Part 3: Birth mothers – against the odds: turning points for women who have lost children to public care’, Family Law 44 (11) 1572-1576.

Broadhurst, K., Alrouh, B., Yeend, E., Harwin, J., Shaw, M., Pilling, M. and Kershaw S.. (2015a) ‘Connecting events in time to identify a hidden population: birth mothers and their children in recurrent care proceedings in England’. British Journal of Social Work 45(8), 2241–260.

Broadhurst, K., Shaw, M., Kershaw, S., Harwin, J., Alrouh, B., Mason, C. and Pilling, M. (2015b) ‘Vulnerable birth mothers and repeat losses of infants to public care: is targeted reproductive health care ethically defensible?’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 37(1), 84–98.

Broadhurst K, Mason C, Bedston S, Alrouh B, Morriss L, McQaurrie et al (2017) Vulnerable birth mothers and recurrent care proceedings: Final main report. Lancaster: Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Lancaster University.

Care Crisis Review (2018) Care Crisis Review: Options for change. London: Family Rights Group.

Cox, P. (2012). Marginal mothers, reproductive autonomy and repeat losses to care. Journal of Law and Society, 39, 541–561.

Harries E, Hodgson L and Noble J (2014) Creating your theory of change: NPC’s practical guide. London: New Philanthropy Capital. 

Harwin J, Broadhurst K, Kershaw S, Shaw M, Alrouh B and Mason C (2014) ‘Recurrent care proceedings: Part 2: Young motherhood and the role of the court’, Family Law 44 (10) 1439-1443.

Harwin J, Alrouh B, Ryan M, McQuarrie T, Golding L, Broadhurst K et al (2016) After FDAC: Outcomes 5 years later. Final report. Lancaster: Lancaster University. (page 11)

McPherson S, Andrews L, Taggart D, Cox P, Pratt R, Smith V and Thandi J (2018) ‘Evaluating integrative services in edge-of-care work’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40 (3) 299-320. Available online: 

McCracken K, Priest S, FitzSimons A, Bracewell K, Torcchia K, Parry W and Stanley N (2017) Evaluation of Pause: Research report. (Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report 49.) London: Department for Education.

Najavits L (2002) Seeking Safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse. New York: The Guilford Press.

Shaw M, Broadhurst K, Harwin J, Alrouh B, Kershaw S and Mason C (2014) ‘Recurrent care proceedings: Part 1: Progress in research and practice since the Family Justice Council 6th Annual Debate’, Family Law 44 (9) 1284-1287.