Exploring discriminatory abuse: Reporting on research evidence

Exploring discriminatory abuse: Reporting on research evidence
Delivered online using Teams
12:00 - 13:00 Thursday, 10 October 2024
A one-hour workshop will support practitioner knowledge around discriminatory abuse by introducing the policy and research base on this topic, drawing on findings from the Safeguarding Adults Reviews.
The workshop will explore outcomes from a recent research study (supported by Research in Practice), which used story completion methods to understand how practitioners may respond to different protected characteristics in divergent ways.
Practitioners will also be encouraged to consider their own practice throughout the workshop in order to translate the research messages into practical steps to support people who are experiencing discriminatory abuse.
Learning objectives
- Recognise and respond to discriminatory abuse as a social care practitioner.
- Identify practitioners’ different responses to safeguarding concerns for individuals with different characteristics.
- Situate discriminatory abuse in the wider context of increasing hate crime.
- Consider practice implications for their own context, drawing from the findings shared.
Audience Types
Policy makers
Residential / care home workers
Senior leaders
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Workforce development teams
Strategic leads
Team leaders
Principal Social Worker (PSW)
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Safeguarding | The role of social workers | Person-centred practice | Direct work with individuals and families | Organisational context | Developing confident and capable social workers | Assuring good social work practice and development | Values and ethics | Influencing and governing practice excellence within the organisation and community | Promoting and supporting critical analysis and decision-making
CQC - Responsive | Safe | Caring
PCF - Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis | Values and ethics | Diversity and equality | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Professional leadership
RCOT - Communication | Identify needs | Service users