Digital practices

Dr. Laura Kelly highlights how effective use of digital can result in more effective support and person-centred practice.

Talking Points 

This video looks at: 

  • The benefits of using digital with children and families.
  • What hybrid or blended social work might look like.
  • A case study of how a social worker used WhatsApp and other technology when working with a family.
  • Concerns around a lack of sensory experience.
  • The benefits of using digital for interagency working.

Reflective questions 

Here are reflective questions to stimulate conversation and support practice.

  1. How would you know when it is appropriate to meet face to face instead of online?
  2. How might you combine digital approaches with elements of your current practice?

Resources that are mentioned in this video 

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Communication | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Purposeful and effective social work | Designing a system to support effective practice | Support effective decision-making

PCF - Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations

Use of digital technologies in child and family social work: developing practice

Video resources which share findings around the increased use of digital technologies in social work.
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