Moving from physical distancing to closeness

Dr. Laura Kelly outlines research findings on how post-pandemic practice has led us to inhabit an in-between state between the old and the new, and what the implications of this are for both practitioners and children and families.

Talking Points  

This video looks at:  

  • The old normal – what practice looked like pre-COVID.  
  • The need for closeness.  
  • Reflecting on changes to practice brought on by social distancing and how we might move forward. 

Reflective questions

Here are reflective questions to stimulate conversation and support practice.    

  1. How has your practice changed since the pandemic? What elements can you build on to help you further develop your practice? 
  2. How might you develop closeness using online platforms? 
  3. How might you and your team develop new practice norms?

Resources that are mentioned in this video 

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Communication | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Purposeful and effective social work | Designing a system to support effective practice | Support effective decision-making

PCF - Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations

Use of digital technologies in child and family social work: developing practice

Video resources which share findings around the increased use of digital technologies in social work.
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