A new Practice Tool explores the skills, values and knowledge that contribute to good outcomes for older people and their families. To support World Health Day, the resource is open access.
Social workers play an integral role in upholding human and legal rights, and promoting the agency, autonomy and dignity of older people. The new tool aims to promote good social work with older people and their families, offering insights and evidence from recent findings by the Social Work with Older People research project.
There’s empathy and deep-rooted respect for people that lends you to approaching people in a particular way. That’s the really difficult thing about the value-base of social work. Actually, it’s about really liking people, really respecting people, really wanting to understand what makes them tick, what they want to do with their life
Social worker
World Health Day highlights the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services. With constrained access to health and social care resources and growing numbers of older people who require support, the role of social workers is increasingly important.
The tool is designed for a range of practitioners involved in providing care and support across health and social care. It is important to raise awareness and understanding of what social workers can do to promote access to health care.
Promoting human rights in health and social care

View Research in Practice resources that aim to promote and support the human rights of adults in health and social care.
When we are working with people who may be taking risks, it’s imperative to understand how we might balance their human rights, while enabling them to be safe and to live a full life. A Frontline Briefing explores rights, values and ethics in work around risk enablement.
How do our own values and ethics impact work with people and risk? This podcast provides an introduction to our Risks, rights, values and ethics Frontline Briefing.
People accessing health and social care services have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. This briefing examines a human rights approach in adult social care, including how organisational policy can help to embed human rights in practice.
Human rights ethics, law and practice underpin assessment for care and support. A Frontline Briefing provides an overview of legislation and policy backdrop and brings together evidence of different approaches to upholding human rights in assessment.