
Ageing well – Housing options and alternative modes of living for later life: Evidence Review (chapter one)

Published: 29/07/2021

Author: Burgess G, Holmes H, Stirling P


This Evidence Review chapter provides an overview of the current and emerging issues in relation to housing, modes of living and care for a new and diversifying generation of older adults. It discusses recent developments in the domain of housing and accommodation and how these may be mobilised in adult social care to respond to the needs of a demographic of older people who may wish to live in ways which contrast those of previous generations of older people. 

This chapter will be of particular interest to residential care managers, older peoples’ service managers, and strategic planners responsible for the development of local authority housing strategy and procurement planning for older peoples’ care and support services. It will also be of interest to practitioners supporting people in decision-making around their housing options in later life.

An accompanying podcast explores co-housing as an alternative housing option in later life, considering how it can reduce loneliness and foster social connectedness, independence and community.

See Related Content below for quick access to further publications and resources available for this Evidence Review.

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