Collaborative working across the lifespan: Link Officers’ Annual Meeting 2024

This is a hybrid two day event with the option to attend in-person or online.


Thursday, 26 September
In-person: Start 11.00 - End 16.30
Online: Start 13:00 - End 16.30 

Friday, 27 September
Start - 09.30 - End - 12.45


It is ten years since the Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014 were enacted to focus on a ‘whole-family’ approach to working with children, young people, families, adults and carers. How well are we doing? 

At Research in Practice we focus on how evidence-informed approaches can support the social care sectors needs and priorities. Each year our Link Officers’ Annual Meeting (LOAM) gives key colleagues from our Partner network the space to consider the key issues they are facing, reflect amongst peers, as well as share knowledge and good practice.  

This year’s programme will focus on collaborative working across the lifespan in the health and social care sectors. 

The programme will highlight research, showcase excellent practice from our network and comprise a mix of speakers, knowledge exchange and networking opportunities. It will explore key questions: 

  • How far have we come and how well are we doing? 
  • What learning can we share?  
  • What does this mean for workforce and practice development? 

LOAM will take place on 26 and 27 September at the Park Regis Hotel in Birmingham. This will be a hybrid event with the option to attend in-person or online.  


Thursday 26 September

In-person: Start 11.00 - End 16.30

Online: Start 13:00 - End 16.30 

Friday 27 September

Start - 09.30 - End - 12.45


Confirmed speakers include: 

  • Amanda Allard, Council for Disabled Children and Strategic Director, National Children’s Bureau
  • Karen Andrews, Blackpool Council
  • Katy Cleece, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
  • Professor Christine Cocker, University of East Anglia
  • Dr Adi Cooper, Local Government Association
  • Michaela Goodridge, Blackpool Council
  • Janine McLoughlin, Greater Manchester Social Work Academy
  • Mohammed Patel (Iggy), Halo Ablement Techniques
  • Laura Pritchard-Jones, Keele University
  • Parisa Quaynor, Lived Experience Researcher at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
  • Odeth Richardson, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of Council for the Royal College of Occupational Therapist and British Association of Occupational Therapists
  • Adrian Ridley, Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board
  • Dr Paul Skowron, legal researcher, University of York
  • Samantha Smith, Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
  • Andrew Speight, Blackpool Council
  • Nicola Whiteside, Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership 


As a Research in Practice Partner your attendance online and in-person (including meals and overnight accommodation on 26 September in Birmingham) is included in your organisational membership.  

  • Each children & families Partner is allocated up to two places in-person and two places online. 
  • Each adults Partner is allocated up to two places in-person and two places online.  

Request your place via your account using the button above. 

Please note, in-person places are limited and will be managed on a first come first served basis. 

Additional places for the online event may be available if capacity allows. Please note adding this event to your calendar does not confirm your place at this event. Further details, including the full programme, will be available closer to the event.  

Designed for 

Link Officers, Strategic Champions, Principal Occupational Therapists and Principal Social Workers from across the Research in Practice network 

About the Link Officers’ Annual Meeting 

Link Officers focus on embedding learning and development within their organisation and championing evidence-informed practice. LOAM brings together Link Officers, Principal Social Workers, Principal Occupational Therapists and Strategic Champions from across our network. One of our most popular recurring event LOAM offers a unique opportunity for Partners to share best practice, discuss emerging sector issues and to learn from one another.  

Link Officer Awards 

In recognition of Link Officers’ efforts to support learning and development and championing evidence-informed practice, we will be presenting the annual Link Officer Awards at LOAM. Find out how to nominate your Link Officer.

If the above event (or occurrence of an event) is displaying as 'Event Full' and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please email detailing the required event title, event time and date.

We will contact you should places become available.

Audience Types

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Workforce development teams

Strategic leads

Senior leaders