The role of National Chair: Bringing the social work perspective to the policy table

In the latest blog of our Voice of Social Work series, Jenefer Rees, PSW at the London Borough of Islington, outlines the many benefits of being a National Chair for the PSW Network, following her recent experience in the role.

For those of you considering whether to stand as our next National Chair, I outline here some excellent reasons to go for it. 

Firstly, as the role is centred around networking, you will find yourself meeting and working with your peers across the UK. This is a great way to rapidly increase your knowledge and information about our sector. Equally, you’ll find your influence over the network grows as you begin to speak with and for the many colleagues that you’ll be in regular contact with. 

Secondly you will gain exposure to the media, to politics, and to policy making. At first sight you may think this is not for you but consider this. It gives you a chance to take your influence beyond our peers. In this role, you’ll be in a position to represent their views where it counts – and that’s the way to change opinion and ultimately to change policy. 

You will for example, have the opportunity to give voice to the social work perspective in discussions with ADASS, DHSC and other influential bodies. And let’s face it, in the world of work, there is great fulfilment in feeling valued and listened to by a range of influential people and organisations. Although this is not an end in itself, it’s through this process that you’ll be playing your part in improving colleagues’ working environments, policy and practices, with the ultimate aim of improving the outcomes for adults, children and families experiencing the social care they provide. 

Thirdly, your self-development will come on in leaps and bounds. I’m willing to bet you that your confidence will build, as will your knowledge, skills, and experience. And the knock-on effect on your career and professional development is inevitable. 

At a personal level, I found the role extremely rewarding, fulfilling, and interesting. It gave me a sense of purpose: I felt I was going beyond the everyday and my own perspective to make a real contribution to emerging policies, guidance and legislation. 

So why not throw your hat in the ring? Renew your sense of purpose and experience agency in the field of social work, on behalf of us all. 

Jenefer Rees is PSW at the London Borough of Islington.