Understanding and supporting the identities of minoritised children in care

Understanding and supporting the identities of minoritised children in care

This interactive open access workshop will explore how care experienced children and young people, particularly from minoritised ethnic and religious backgrounds, experience and express their identities.

Facilitated by a team from Coventry University, the workshop will introduce the findings from their Nuffield Foundation funded research. They will share theory, research and also practical tools to support positive identity development for care experienced children and young people.

This workshop will support you to take an approach that:

  • recognises the different aspects / layers to a child or young person’s identity,
  • understands identities as changing and evolving,
  • allows children and young people to lead during conversations about their identities.

This is an open access workshop for professionals working within children’s social care.

Audience Types


Senior practitioners

Social workers

Team leaders

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Promote and govern excellent practice

PCF - Diversity and equality | Knowledge