
Embedding a trauma-informed approach to support staff wellbeing in children’s social care: Strategic Briefing (2021)

Published: 03/03/2021

Author: Wilkinson J


Working with children and families in the context of abuse, neglect, poverty and social inequality can place high emotional demands on practitioners. Developing organisational policies, working conditions and cultures that promote wellbeing and self-care and that create a safe and supportive environment are key to preventing vicarious and secondary trauma in the workforce and for sustaining humane, ethical and compassionate work with children and families.

This briefing considers what a trauma-informed approach looks like at an organisational level and why the approach is important for the organisation, the workforce and the children and families that professionals work with.

Aimed at strategic leads, managers and practice supervisors the briefing includes sections on:

  • The importance of a trauma-informed organisational approach.
  • The values and principles of a trauma-informed organisation.
  • Becoming a trauma-informed and responsive organisation.
  • Developing a vision and culture of trauma-informed practice.
  • Supporting workforce wellbeing and resilience.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of supervision | Organisational context | Developing excellent practitioners | Emotionally intelligent practice supervision | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice

PCF - Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership | Values and ethics

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