Learning and development

Online workshops and bespoke learning and development support designed to meet your organisational needs.

Research in Practice provide online workshops and bespoke learning to meet your organisational needs.

Alongside our popular programme of national events, members can take part in sessions to build active use of the Research in Practice offer.

This includes:

We are also able to provide commissioned learning and development programmes designed to meet your organisational needs. This includes Developing Reflective Supervision Programmes for organisations seeking to develop and embed a culture of reflective, curious and relational supervision.

To commission bespoke learning and development support, please contact learning@researchinpractice.org.uk.


Commissioning learning and development support

Bespoke learning and development support designed to meet your organisational challenges.
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Learn and deliver programme

Develop your knowledge of learning theory, support online facilitation skills and discuss how to develop your own bespoke sessions.
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Online workshop menu

Designed to support evidence-informed practice, our online workshops are an effective way to deliver professional development to meet organisational needs.
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Member engagement programme

A programme of member engagement activities will increase access to learning and development opportunities and improve peer-to-peer learning.
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