Rethinking children’s social care responses to domestic abuse and violence

In these podcasts, Dr Jessica Wild speaks to Ali about parenting her children while experiencing domestic abuse from her then partner, and her involvement with children’s social care.

This co-produced three-part podcast series provides unique insights into complexities of child protection work in the context of domestic abuse and violence (DAV), and the challenges with holding perpetrators of DAV to account as part of a children’s social care response. In speaking openly about her own experiences, Ali offers valuable reflections to inform improved working practices and ways of thinking on how children’s social care work with families where there is a perpetrator of DAV.

Some of Ali’s reflections regarding how some mothers experience the social care system may be hard for professionals to hear, but these messages are echoed in the wider research literature and need to be heard. They reflect the extent of the challenges facing children’s social care and the need for systems and culture change in this complex area of practice.

Please note that Ali is not the speaker’s real name and all identifiable pieces of information have been removed to protect Ali’s identity. This podcast series addresses painful and traumatic topics which may be upsetting for some listeners.